Our hospital is the safest childbirth environment for you and your baby. If you need a cesarean section, and if there are any complications, it is the only place that you can have one.
Birth delivery services in the hospital:
Pain medications are available during labor if the women require that.
Hospitals offers childbirth and prenatal education classes for parents and the family.
Labor can be induced, if necessary.
The baby is usually electronically monitored throughout labor.
Many hospitals offer low-risk delivery, often known as family-centered care.
Obstetrician/ Gynecologist are well-trained doctors in women’s health and reproduction. They can handle high-risk pregnancies and also C-section.
In the hospitaldeliveries, you might be able to use a certified-midwife. Registered nurses attend deliveries to take care of the mother and the baby.
On-staff pediatricians and sophisticated newborn medical technology are available in hospitals to give necessary medical care to the baby.
If the baby experience any medical complications, then neonatal intensive care unit (NIUC) will be there for specialized care.